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Homeis, 2019

Bring your two homes together - homeis is a worldwide platform for immigrants.It is designed to address all their needs, so they can feel at home wherever they are.


Onboarding is the first interaction with the potential users, therefore it’s such an important process of user experience. User feedback and data suggested that the existing onboarding wasn't satisfying enough, a profound improvement had to be made.


I redesigned the onboarding, created a fresh new and welcoming look to encourage users to complete their registration. In collaboration with the product manager Shiran Ronen, we changed the order of the questions, emphasized the added value at each and every step, and explained why we ask every question.

After having the new wireframes done, I managed to design them. I decided to create tailor-made illustrations using a variety of color skins to match multiple nationalities to strengthen the belongings feelings of the user.

Also, I've created many animations to make the flow more delightful, dynamic & engaging, Everybody likes animations!  

Our new onboarding increased the conversion rate by +40.5%


Sign up

16% increase in sign up ratio

Set a profile

52% increase in uploading a photo

Edge cases

The outcome

Enable notifications

​The previous version wasn't satisfying enough so we changed the micro-copy and the illustration adding also a cute animation. We also emphasized the confirm button which led to a significant improvement in confirmations.

Notification graph from mixpanel
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